Refinery 29: Crystal

I shot portraits of Crystal aka Tom Rasmussen for Refinery 29, for the piece Inside My Makeup Bag: Drag Queen Edition.
“In my makeup bag is the hardware which allows me to finally live my childhood fantasies. In my makeup bag is a lifeline to an expression of my gender that saved my life – that saves so many people’s lives. In my makeup bag is a history book, connecting me to the radical queens, queers, butch dykes and trans folk who fought for me to be able to paint my face the way I want to paint it. In my makeup bag there are thousands of tricks for me to cover the scars of my teenage acne, or the slice on my nose from a homophobic attack which has never quite healed. I love the scars in some ways, but having the devices to cover them allows me to dictate their mark upon me…” Read the full article here.